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1 | You are unique. |
2 | You are 100 trillion little animals all working together. |
3 | They die, but you keep on living as new ones constantly take the place of the ones that die. Except your brain cells. They are with you for life. |
4 | The atomic elements forming you right now are ashes from blown up stars. |
5 | The atomic elements flow through you. Even the calcium in your bones and teeth. In four months more than 80% of your atoms will be exchanged for new ones. In a year, all but a few stubborn atoms will be new. A year ago you were completely different earth atoms. Next year you will be "materially" new, too. |
6 | The DNA in every living cell in your body has never died. |
7 | Genes are memories encoded in your DNA. |
8 | Genes, like all memories, are meaningless unless they are remembered. |
9 | All your energy, your life, your vision, originates from solar radiation. |
10 | Awareness is surprise. |
11 | Mind is what awareness does to adjust to surprises. |
12 | Life is a cycle - bringing the elements, energy, information towards you; weaving these together with your expectations and needs; responding to any errors in your expectations; observing the effects of your responses. |
13 | There is no such thing as an invariable cycle. |
14 | One response to surprise is to communicate with other beings, to work together to avoid unpleasant surprises next cycle. Sharing cycles by knowing together. |
15 | Consciousness is knowing together. |
16 | Cells know together, so do we, so do societies, and ecosystems, too. |
17 | Knowing together produces a new level of surprise. A brand new Awareness. |
18 | Surprises pass through our cells, our selves, our societies, our ecosystems. They are refreshed by forgetfulness. |
19 | We eventually remember how to avoid bad surprises, and how to have the good ones again. This is learning. It is evolution, too. |
20 | Awareness has learned a lot in 3.6 billion years. But the best thing it has learned is to write down these 20 facts and share them around. |